The Ipconfig Winsock program example with C codes

The node type refers to how the client finds a domain controller to service its logon requests. There are four node types in TCP/IP: B-node (broadcast node): When a client needs to find a domain Apr 19, 2018 · When you use the Ipconfig.exe utility with the /all switch that shows the TCP/IP configurations on your computer, the node type may appear as "unknown." Cause This issue can occur if the EnableProxy key in the registry is set to an invalid value. The Node Type tells us how this computer identifies the address of another computer on the LAN. Broadcast is the best setting for a small LAN, although anything but Peer-Peer will work. If you do not have a WINS server, and you see Peer-Peer here, you do have a problem. The methods that Windows uses for name resolution, and the order those methods are invoked in, are controlled by the Windows Node Type. Node Type is easily displayed with the all-too-common ipconfig/all command. Part of a TCP/IP configuration from ipconfig/all is shown here with Node Type highlighted: The Node Type of Hybrid value indicates that NetBIOS names are resolved using WINS first and then broadcast. The NetBIOS name is created from the first 15 characters of the host name. If the first 15 characters of the host name are not unique, duplicate NetBIOS names will result. Listing-1: ipconfig /all Windows IP configuration 1- Open dos prompt, type ipconfig -all. 2- Look at the 'Node Type' it probably says Peer-Peer or something like unkown . we want it to say 'Hybrid' 3- Press 'Start' button > Run > In the box type regedit.

ipconfig – Display and refresh IP settings –

May 19, 2016 · Just follow the above steps to get the output of remote server / computer by using ipconfig /all command from your local laptop or desktop. ipconfg /all commands to helps to get remote server IP address, subnet mask, DNS records, DHCP ip address, gateway and whether the remote server configured on IPV4 or IPV6.

IpConfig::GetNodeType Gets the Node Type of the computer. Possible return values - Broadcast (B-node) - Peer-Peer (P-node) - Mixed (M-node) - Hybrid (H-node) - Unknown. More info on MS TechNet. IsIPRoutingEnabled IpConfig::IsIPRoutingEnabled Checks if IP Routing is enabled on the computer.

Using the hostname Command - Networking Tutorial