Masquerading Made Simple HOWTO

Docker & Shorewall - Server Fault /etc/shorewall/masq. Enable masquerading (NAT) for your private Docker network (if you use a different network, i.e. you launch docker with --bip=#.#.#.#/#, then change accordingly). Change eth0 to any interface on the host machine with external connectivity: How To Install Shorewall In Linux | LinuxHelp Tutorials Installation of Shorewall in Linux. Shorewall is a front-end command line environment, that uses a number of text files for its configuration. Shorewall is an open source software published under GNU General Public License. It is a gateway/firewall configuration tool for Linux. It is a robust firewall system, which can be used over a network of

Linux Firewall - Webmin Documentation

Shorewall+Docker: Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together Matt Palmer November 23, 2015 . infrastructure; As has been mentioned previously, we lurve us some Docker here at Discourse.We also lurve us some security, and I’ve recently been replacing our “artisinally handcrafted iptables firewall rules” with a Shorewall-managed configuration, which plays better with Puppet.

Also, in many cases, Proxy ARP (shorewall-proxyarp(5)) or Proxy-NDP(shorewall6-proxyndp(5)) is a better solution that one-to-one NAT. The columns in the file are as follows (where the column name is followed by a different name in parentheses, the different name is used in the alternate specification syntax).

[root@gateway shorewall]# shorewall show accounting web Shorewall-1.4.6-20030821 Chains accounting web at - Wed Aug 20 10:27:21 PDT 2003 Counters reset Wed Aug 20 10:24:33 PDT 2003 Chain accounting (3 references) pkts bytes target prot opt in out source destination 8767 727K web tcp -- eth0 eth1 tcp dpt Shorewall - NAT translation slows upload speed Solutions Shorewall - NAT translation slows upload speed. roninhockley asked on 2006-02-10. Linux Security; 11 Comments. 1 Solution. Medium Priority. 1,705 Views. Last Modified: 2012-08-13. I am running a Shorewall firewall in my office and have several pc's on a LAN that are getting to the internet thru the firewall with NAT translation. I have noticed shorewall - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall NAME shorewall - Administration tool for Shoreline Firewall (Shorewall) SYNOPSIS shorewall [trace|debug [nolock]] [-options] add interface[:host-list]zone