, change the LinkStation’s IP address, or check its hard drive. If you installed the LinkStation with LinkNavigator, NAS Navigator2 was installed automatically. NAS Navigator2 will run in the system tray when the computer is on. Double-click the icon to start NAS Navigator2.

Dec 29, 2011 · That being said, I can change t he IP of the currently connected port with Buffalo's iSCSI tool, but i dont really see that as a proper solution, as i want to change a different port's address, and enable the web interface, Navigator, etc. TL;DR - Still in the same boat. Please let me know if any of you have any ideas what will get this corrected. To open the LinkStation’s configuration utility from a different computer, open a browser and type the LinkStation’s IP address into the URL field. You recorded the LinkStation’s IP address in step 2 on page 3. If you have a Mac, you can open the configuration utility from "Bonjour". 1 Launch Safari. Dec 22, 2011 · Find out what the default IP address is supposed to be after a reset, change your computer or laptop IP address to match the network of the NAS so you can access it. If the NAS default IP is change your computer IP address to and connect directly to it with an ethernet cable. IP address of, default gateway as my router, Primary DNS as my server Secondary DNS as ISP dns I have saved them settings and rebooted my linkstation. Then I have logged back into the linkstation and gone to the workgroup/domain area. Buffalo linkstation is a shared network storage device for home use and features Gigabit ethernet connectivity and ability to direclty copy data from digital cameras Update should be done in 2-3 minutes. During this time Linkstation may restart couple of times. Do not interrupt the process. After the update is complete, the Linkstation will boot normally and get IP address from your Router or other DHCP server. Default username and password is admin / password

Using your LinkStation with a MacConfigure from the drop-down menu to get to the Web page. Click Open Web Page to go the Web Config Tool, or click IP Address to change the LinkStation’s IP Address settings. The IP Address page lets you change the LinkStation’s IP address settings. Show View Options lets you choose the order of icons in the NAS

The Internet has become a liberal world wherein people can view, share, download, upload, and delete information with its access. While many users have never faced any complaints with their internet-related issues (except maybe speed related or money related issues) there are certain users who have a specific kind of problem.

In most networks, LinkStation will get its IP Address automatically from a DHCP server. You may disable DHCP here. If DHCP is disabled and an IP Address is not set manually, it will default to 1 .1 .11.1 0. The LinkStation’s IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway Address, and DNS Server address may all be entered manually under IP Address

LinkStation setup is complete. Use NAS Navigator2 to access your LinkStation. If the power mode switch on the back of the L'nkStation is in the "auto" position, the LinkStation will shut down when no computer is connected to it. Finish Select LinkStation Set up LinkStation Select LinkStation Se ect a LinkStation to set up from the menu BUFFALO Router Default Passwords - Administrator Login. Below are the collections of default login information (IP Address, ID & Password) for BUFFALO routers and other products. Note that the BUFFALO router default password may be different for certain hardware or firmware versions.